BuzzFeed - WHERE DID ALL THE ANVILS GO? WB / 1. Where is Mr. Kim ever? 2. Did Taylor Doose ever press charges against Rory for stealing the corn starch? 3. Did Rory and Lorelai ever have to go on, like, any sort of diet or exercise regimen because of the sheer amount of junk food they ate? 4. Was Stars Hollow ever hit by a recession? 5. Who did Rory end up with?! 6. How many children with different women did Chris end up having? WB / 7. Was Kirk ever a convicted felon for anything? It just really seems like he would be. 8. Was Rory successful on Obama's 2008 campaign trail? 9. How did Liz and TJ afford a nice house in Stars Hollow on a Renaissance faire-jewelry-makers wages??? 10. Did Logan's many start-ups ever succeed? 11. Or did he go bankrupt and crazy in Las Vegas? 12. How many maids did Emily end up firing? 13. Were Lane's twins terrible boys or decent humans? 14. Did they ever go to church growing up?? View Entire List âº